Children's Literature Websites
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Recommended Websites Related to Children's Literature


bulletThe first web site that I found was, this site had many different activities geared especially for children. There was a story box, where they could listen to stories and look at the pictures of a book.  And there was a toy box where children could interact with toys. 
bulletRecommended by Rachel Morrison



bulletgames, contests, events, catalogue, more fun, ask the cat
bulletgames are right online and fun
bulletRecommended by Melanie Evarts


bulletThis site has many books on it and places where kids can interact with the webpage about reading.  It is fun for a child who loves to read.
bulletRecommended by Melanie Evarts


bulletRecommended by Jason Owens



bulletCarol Hurst's Children's Literature site
bulletRecommended by Randi Clark


bulletChildren's Literature Web Guide


bulletThis site was a review of different books and authors and their works.
bulletThere were also activities to use in teaching the book to a class.
bulletThere were ways to integrate the books into math and history.
bulletIt was cook to find all the ideas that the Internet has.
bulletIt was very helpful when I am teaching and need ideas.
bulletRecommended by Beth Ann Fisher.


bulletAaron Shepard's kidwriter Page
bulletResource for children's writers
bulletRecommended by Joshua Tunstall


bulletChildren's authors discuss their works
bulletRecommended by Joshua Tunstall


bulletRecommended by Suzanne Yoder


bulletRecommended by Suzanne Yoder




bulletThis children's literature site has many sites to link to books.
bulletThere are a lot of connections here that talk about different authors and illustrators and different commentaries on the books.
bulletRecommended by Beth Ann Fisher


bulletThis site was about CS Lewis
bulletIt is all about this books and all about the illustrations.
bulletThere are maps of the areas that are talked about in the books and there are biographies.
bulletRecommended by Beth Ann Fisher.


bulletThis website gave a discussion board for reading help.
bulletThen it gave quick references on children's book awards, year best on children's books.
bulletGave some more links on authors and stories and resources for parents and teachers.
bulletRecommended by Heather Gueli.


bulletLinks to awards and children's literature organizations
bulletInteractive story/game for children from 8-80
bulletRecommended by  Jamie Sheffer