English Websites
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 Recommended English Websites 

  1. http://ericir.syr.edu/Virtual/Lessons/Lang_arts/index.html

    This AskERIC Lesson Plans site contains many lesson plans for Language Arts covering the following categories: Debate, Handwriting, Journalism, Listening, Literature, Reading, Spelling, Story Telling, Vocabulary, Whole Language, and Writing Composition

    Recommended by Desiree Kins


  2. http://ericir.syr.edu/Virtual/Lessons/Writing_comp/WCP0004.html

    This lesson plan is one of Ask ERIC resources. The title is "Basic Grammar Review Using ‘Jabberwocky.’"

    Recommended by Desiree Kins


  3. http://www.pacificnet.net/~mandel/LanguageArts.html

    This site was designed to provide basic teaching tips to inexperienced teachers;

    Ideas that can be immediately implemented into the classroom and to provide new ideas in teaching methodologies for all teachers.  

    It contains numerous lesson plans for all grades of various language arts studies.

    Recommended by Desiree Kins


  4. http://deil.lang.uiuc.edu/web.pages/grammarsafari.html

    This site has endless leads, so the teacher will have to give very specific instructions to make the most of the time available.  Going on a Grammar Safari DOES provide you with (usually) hundreds or thousands of examples of any particular English words you choose, used in authentic communication.

    Recommended by Desiree Kins


  5. http://education.simplenet.com/

    Shakespeare Web--This is dedicated to the understanding of Shakespeare's plays.

    Recommended by Desiree Kins


  6. http://atozteacherstuff.com/lessons/index_glevel3.shtml#high

    Contains great ideas on High School English lesson plans...many activities

    Recommended by Desiree Kins


  7. http://www.shs.oconee.k12.sc.us/lesson.htm

    Great index of many lesson plans and activity ideas (includes interdisciplinary lessons)

    Recommended by Desiree Kins


  8. http://www.vocabulary.com/VUcrossword.html

    Recommended links for all "surfers" looking for crossword puzzles, comic strips, and word-related content

    Recommended by Desiree Kins


  9. http://www.vocabulary.com/

    Contains many vocabulary puzzles

    Recommended by Desiree Kins


  10. http://www.weeklyreader.com/features/teacher.html

    Weekly Reader Galaxy is an extensive news site for teachers, students, and parents.  Divided by grade level and correlated to Weekly Reader, this page is bright, colorful, and full of educational news and activities.

    Recommended by Desiree Kins