Book Review

Pulling Together by Dawn L. Watkins
Illustrator: Kathy Pflug
Published by Bob Jones University Press
Age Level: 3-4 grade
Available in paperback
Matthew and his family live on a small farm with a few cows
and two horses, Ben and Dolly. One night there is a terrible
thunderstorm and the barn is struck by lightening and burns down. The
animals are saved but in order to have enough money to feed them, it is
necessary to sell Dolly. Matthew is very upset by this but follows his
father's example and trusts God to do what He wills. One day at school
Matthew hears about a horse pull at the fail with a prize of fifty dollars
and asks about entering his father's horses. There is a two dollar
entrance fee and Matthew works every day before and after school without
telling his father and ears the money to enter. They enter the horses
and win because the horses worked together so well.
This book is written on a level that is easy enough for
slower readers and also could be read alound in a Christian classroom.
the reason that this would not be the best choice for a public school is
that there is a clear reliance on God and his promises that infiltrates the
story. Other than that theme, the reader leaves with a better
understanding of working together and of family ties. The main
character of this book is a little boy and therefore may appeal more to
young boys but all children can connect with the perspective of the book and
the actions and thoughts of the boy.
Available from Barnes
and Noble