Ramona Quinby
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Newbery Honors Book

Book Review

Reviewed by: Jamie Smeland

Ramona Quimby, Age 8

Illustrator: Alan Tiegreen

Published by Dell Publishing, October 1992


bulletAvailable in paperback
bulletAge level: 2nd grade
bulletThe book is appropriate for this age level. Ramona is at the same age as most of the children that will read this. It is in large print, with plenty of openness, and has some illustrations. It is a good transition book for children who are going from reading small primary books, to larger intermediate books. It is a transition time for some kids who have to ride to bus, go to a new school, etc... and to have some sort of encouragement is good for them. It provides laughter for the reader. This book teaches children some things about being kind when you don’t want to, popularity, and growing up. It is definitely a classic that many readers know and enjoy. It can be used for all age levels even though it is easy reading. The author, Beverly Cleary, has written many other books providing the same entertainment for children. She does not use words that are hard for the children. She does use Ramona to teach the kids new words through her mishaps. The children my need help with the pronunciation of the word(s). There is no racial or religious content in the book, and is a good piece of literature for all to read.
bulletAvailable from Amazon Books.